Venice glanced at her wrist watch to check the time. There’s still half an hour ‘til the class dismissal. She’s starving. She thought of her favorite food in the world. The food she can’t live without. She loves pizza so much. She couldn't wait to eat it when she get home. Ah! Happy thoughts. Her mom also loves pizza. Actually, her mom was born in Italy, where pizza originated. She was named after the place where her mom was born, Venice. They lived in Milan when she was just a kid, but moved here in the Philippines to take care of her grandmother. Sadly, her grandmother died 2 years ago. She decided to continue her studies here, and go back to Italy after college. "Grrrrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.", her stomach rumbled. Her classmate looked at her, laughing. “Dude, seems like the monster inside you is ready to eat a whole cow! Ha Ha Ha!”, said Jasey Rae, and they both bursted into laughter. “Okay class, bring out ¼ sheet of paper for our quiz.”, Ms. Horan said. They took out the paper and began answering the quiz. 10 minutes before dismissal. “Yes!”, Venice thought, feeling her stomach rumbling again. She finished the quiz 3 minutes before the time, and kept her things. “Okay class, pass the papers! You may go now. Ingat!”, said the professor as she collected the papers. Venice and Jasey Rae hurried to the door. They’re both very tired and hungry. “Bye Venice, see you tomorrow!” “Bye Jasey Rae!”
She then hurried to the jeepney and rode home. She sat next to a kid who was eating a burrito, then looked away because she’s getting hungrier. The jeepney stopped at the station, the passengers got off, including Venice. As she was walking, she saw a man in a motorcycle, wearing an all-black outfit. She remembered the news about the hold-uppers who wait for victims on the dark side of the streets. She walked faster. Their house is still a few streets from here, and no one was outside. No one was walking on the street except her. She was feeling nervous, her hands and knees were shaking. If the man was a hold-upper, no one would help her if the man hurt her and take her money and things. Even if she run, the man would still beat her because he was riding a motorcycle. But she had no choice; at least she tried to run away. “Run!”, she told he self, and ran for her life. The man on the motorcycle was driving slowly, as if he knew that she couldn’t do anything even if she runs faster. “Beep beep!”, the sound came from the motorcycle. She could see the gate of their house. Her heart was pounding, she felt the sweat on her forehead, on her back, on her hands. “Mom! Mom!”, she called when she stopped at their gate. Her mom opened the door, then walked to the gate and opened it for her. She hugged her mom tightly, and cried. “Anak, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”, her mom asked, but she couldn't speak. She was so terrified. She saw the lights of the motorcycle, it was outside their gate. “Mom! That guy was following me! I think he is a hold-upper!”, she finally said to her mom. “Is that why you are crying? It’s okay Venice, you’re safe now.”, her mom kissed her forehead and comforted her. Suddenly, someone called from the outside. “Good evening, Ma’am! Pizza delivery for Mrs. Gonzales. I think this is the right address.”, said the guy. Her mom took the pizza and paid for it. Venice was shocked. She was so stupid.
They went inside the house. Venice was still feeling guilty and stupid. Guilty for thinking that the delivery guy was a bad man. Stupid for running away and being terrified. She laughed at the thought. “So, you thought the guy was a hold-upper? Poor guy.”, her mom said while laughing. Venice felt embarrassed. They both laughed at what happened. She felt better now, with her mom and her comfort food. Nothing beats eating her favorite food after a long, tiring, terrifying and stressful day. Pizza is for life!