Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sonnet: A Love Not Worth Waiting

As rain falls down the window pane tonight
My heart is in despair and so much pain
I will be crying 'til the morning light
I hope, I pray our love won't be in vain.
The morning comes and I am still alone
I will be waiting til the winter's here
The desire of your heart, to me was shown
My love, to see you go - my deepest fear.
I will be waiting until you come back
I will be there outside of my front door
Where are you now darling? I'll check the clock
I'll still be waiting, curled up on the floor. 
I love you even when you said goodbye
There is nothing left, then I should just die.

Late Night Thoughts

*This is the song you always sing when I go to sleep..*

How do you know you're in love?


Maybe when he makes you smile

When he makes you happy

Maybe when he tells you that he has fallen completely in love with you

When he says he loves you and only you

When you wake up and he blows up your phone

When he sends you voice messages

When he calls you just to hear your voice

When he tells you not to skip meals because he doesn't want you to get sick

Or maybe when neither of you would say goodbye when the other has to leave

When he asks about how your day was 

Or what you did with your friends

When he asks you to tell him some story 

Or when he sings you to sleep even if he doesn't know the lyrics 

When you listen to him through the phone while he sleeps 

Or when he sometimes talks in his sleep 

Or the way he says 'good morning' with his sleepy voice 

And when he does all these things 

Your heart melts, beats faster, and you wish you can be with him in those moments..

If these are the signs of being in love 

Then YES, I am truly, madly, deeply, foolishly, completely falling in love....

Tips on How to Write Poems

Here are some steps that can help you in writing simple poems.

1. Decide on your topic. 
Choose whether the poem you want to make is about love, friendship, grieving, or about someone/something special to you.

2. Set your mood. 
When you write, make sure you are in a good mood so that the poem will come beautifully, and with a good tone and mood too. 

3. Find a place to write. 
Find a place where you are comfortable to write, whether in your room, a bench under the shade of a tree, or in the library. Anywhere, as long as you are comfortable. 

4. Choose a rhyme scheme. 
When writing, you can put a rhyme scheme (eg. aabb, abab,), but you can also make a free verse poem.

5. Play some music while writing a poem. 
It can help you write a good poem if you listen to your favorite songs. It can help you be in good mood while writing.

These are the things I do while writing a poem. I hope this tutorial can help you too! :-)