Thursday, July 30, 2015


In my solitude, I think of us

In my dreams, I hope this will last

Sitting in the sand, watching gumusservi

In the silent night, I think of acatalepsy.

At first I thought this is surreal

To feel this way is just so unreal,

But you made me believe this could be possible

And the thought of losing you would be unbearable.

This euphoria that I feel

When we talk, it is real

Your voice is mellifluous when you say 'I love you'

I want you to know, I feel the same way too.

The limerence that I am feeling

One day will be growing and blooming,

I hope that what we feel is not ephemeral

But instead, I pray this would be sempiternal.

This selcouth feeling in my heart

I want to know it by pieces, by parts

This thing that we have, I'd take the fall

Because baby after all, you're my wonderwall.

Ik hou van je

Mahal kita 

Sucker of Life

Heart beats harder.....

This is a story of how I coped with depression. Please play the song before you continue reading.

December 1, 2012. Saturday. I went to school only to find out that we don't have classes. It was already planned that I will go to my best friend's house after class. We planned to watch movies and eat and just enjoy the day. I was planning on telling her the problems I currently have, and ask for some pieces of advice.

It makes this harder...

While on the way to her house, I felt something strange. I cannot breathe. I was hyperventilating. I felt numb. I texted her about it and told her to pick me up at the waiting shed. But it took her a while and people were looking at me, asking if I'm all right because I was crying. She came, but I can't walk anymore. I felt numb all over. I was crying because I was afraid. A woman came to us and carried me to the clinic. But the doctor wasn't in. They called the ambulance. The clinic was full of Christmas decorations and they were playing Christmas songs. I was thinking, would this be the last time I will hear these Christmas songs? And see these decorations? And these strangers that were helping me? I was praying to God. I was crying. Is this how death feels like? I felt weaker every minute, and I was barely breathing. My best friend called my aunt. Minutes passed by and there was still no ambulance. Gladly, my aunt and uncle came and we went to the hospital. The doctor asked me questions, and checked my heart. The result was, my heart was beating irregularly. I was afraid; do I have a heart problem? Am I dying?

Tryin' to scream out my lungs, it makes this harder.. and the tears stream down my face...

We went home, and I can't keep these thoughts out of my head. That night, it happened again. I can't breathe, I was crying. There was this particular song that kept playing in my head. A sad song about grieving. A song about death. I was wondering if someone would sing it if I die. I was rushed into the hospital and was diagnosed with hypokalemia. It was due to depression and stress, physically and emotionally. I stayed at the hospital for four days. I kept praying and praying, and God heard me. I got through it, survived stress and depression. It wasn't easy, but I can say that I was strong enough to handle it. My family was there to support me on my downfall.

Depression is not a joke. Your thoughts can kill you. If you know someone who is going through it, please talk to them. Encourage them that there is more to this life, that what they are going through is not permanent. If you will only hold on to God, He will never leave you nor forsake you. One of the things that I have learned with this experience, it is to be calm and don't panic. Clear your mind, arrange your thoughts, focus on important things, appreciate the people beside you, read the Bible, and always pray. Don't let the pressure bother you. Take the problems one step at a time. Don't let the negativity suck your happiness.

Marikina Sports Complex

     If you are looking for a place to jog, swim, exercise, or just have some fun, Marikina Sports Complex is a good place to go. Life is stressful, so why not give a little time for yourself to relax and enjoy? 

     Marikina Sports Complex, also known as Marikina Sports Park (formerly known as Rodriguez Sports Center) located at the heart of Marikina was established in 1969. It is a prominent structure used for many activities such as sports fests, school programs/competitions, and other events like the annual New Year’s celebration and firework display where celebrities and local people gather together. In history, it is a former site of a train station in early 20th century prior to the construction of the complex. 

     MSC features an Olympic-size swimming pool, two grandstands seating a total of 15,000, a 100-meter track oval, a sports building, an indoor gymnasium, and several courts. The outdoor facilities consist or basketball courts, volleyball courts, and tennis courts. The indoor facilities have basketball gym, volleyball gym, and events center. The east grandstand contains the Olympic-size swimming pool, table-tennis courts, Zumba area, and dance-aerobics area. On the west grandstand, you will find the cityhood park, gallery area, food area, and the terminal station. Other gyms such as Sepak Takraw gym, boxing gym, Arnis gym, martial arts gym, gym center, shower area, and the Administration Office can be found in the sports building.

*View from the back of the MSC*

*Track Oval*

*Olympic-size swimming pool*

     The Marikina Sports Complex has been host to several sports competitions, both national and regional, including the 2014 ASEAN school Games. Other events held are grand concerts, finals night of some television shows, and the annual year-end public concert and fireworks display.

*6th ASEAN School Games 2014*

*Milo Little Olympics 2014*

*Annual Year-end Concert and Fireworks Display*

It's more fun in MARIKINA!

(c) Photos

Memoir: The First Letter

The mailman knocked

On my door and asked

If I could sign on the paper

And gave me the letter.

I was staring at the envelope

My heart is racing down the slope

My hands were shaking

Then I started reading. 

As I read the letter you sent

I can’t help but feel the excitement,

Tears fell down my cheeks

For the first time, my heart picks

The memory of the first letter

In my heart and soul, will be forever

You've found me, and loved me then

I will love you as long as I can. 

Church Service Activity

     I still remember the first time I attended a church service. It was a fine afternoon when a group of second year Education students came to me and my classmates in one of the benches at school. They introduced themselves and asked if we could join their cell group activity. We all agreed and we had a bit of sharing. Most of us cried because we had been keeping the pain in our hearts, and that was the only time that we were able to let it out. It was a joy that I got to share my problems to them. After the first meeting, we agreed to have at least one day of a week for Bible study. I was really happy and I always look forward for our meetings.

     It was my personal decision to attend church. I cannot explain how happy I was that time. It was one of the best feelings I have ever felt in my entire life. It was the time that I was having problems. I was depressed, hurt, I was in pain. But every negative feeling was swept when I was in the church, singing and crying. I felt that I was healed. My heart was filled with joy, and peacefulness. I felt that I can face all my problems with a smile in my face because I know that God is with me, that He will never leave my side. 

     You can never know how God is going to work in your life. His timing is always perfect. Just when you think that all the hope was lost, He will manifest His love to you in ways you can never imagine. He will lead you to the right path, He will guide you, He will provide everything that you need in life. You just have to put your trust in Him. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9. These are my favorite verses which I can relate to.

Dean Edgar Canda

     Professor Edgar Canda is the new dean of the College of Teachers Education. Dean Canda has been teaching for almost 15 years now. He finished his Bachelor Degree in Mathematics in Arellano University year 1991 and passed the board examination year 1993. He took up his Master’s Degree at National University, and currently taking his Doctorate Degree in the same school.

     When asked about how he manages his time being a father, a professor, and a dean, Sir Canda answered “I actually have a time table. Mondays-Fridays I am in school from 7am-6pm. Saturdays I am in graduate school, and on Sundays, I spend it for my family. When I have free time, I bond with my kids and I tutor and help them when they have assignments. When they have exams, I help them to review their lessons. And the night is for my wife. Ha Ha Ha just kidding.” One of the characteristics of Dean Canda that his students like is his sense of humor.

     Dean Canda has been teaching in PLMar for almost 3 years now. He shared some of his experiences in teaching. “As a professor, I am very satisfied with what I am doing. And as a dean, it has only been two months so I am still in adjustment period. I am really happy.” Dean Canda also shared his motto and his philosophy in life. “Life is a trial and error. Mistakes are inevitable, we commit mistakes but we also learn from these mistakes. My philosophy is, Give the world your best, and the best will come to you.” 

     Dean Canda had been my professor before and I can say that he teaches by the heart. I understood our every lesson because he explained it well and he didn't only teach by theories but also with application. He is really a good teacher because I learned and understood his lessons in Mathematics that I didn't even understand when I was still in high school. His teaching strategies are effective because as I have said, I learned and understood what he taught to us. As an Education professor, Dean Canda also told us what would be the case when we face the reality in practice teaching. He gave us some tips on how to be an effective teacher and how to deal with our future students. One thing that I liked about Sir Canda is his sense of humor. I never found our class boring because he always had some jokes to tell us when he knew we were tired and stressed from all the lessons. He was our energizer in our class. And for that, I am thankful that he became my professor. 

Congratulations and good luck on your new position, Sir! :) 

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." --- Albert Einstein