Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Future Photographer

     Since I was a kid, I've always dreamed of being a photographer. But since it's quite expensive, I didn't pursue it. That didn't stop me on taking pictures of nature and people, even though my cell phone camera is low quality. I've always loved capturing moments, specially the happy ones. At school, I always take candid shots of my classmates and friends, and laugh at it afterwards if they look funny. I know in my heart that this is one of my passions, besides teaching and writing. Photography is like a heroine I can't resist. It is also an art of delivering message to people who can see the photos. Through this, I am able to express my feelings, and also share a bit if myself to my friends and other people. 

     I only have one wish for my graduation day, to have a DSLR camera used by photographers. People may think I am ambitious or assuming, but this is what is in my heart. I want to be a photographer. I know someday, I will be able to take so many pictures. Pictures that will tell stories, pictures that will inspire others, pictures of nature and animals that will help people to appreciate what we have around, pictures that will reveal reality, pictures that will keep memories, pictures that mean so much more than what is seen by the eyes. I am not dreaming of becoming a famous photographer, but just a photographer who can express herself, show love for nature, animals and people, and to deliver messages of what is happening in reality.

"Photography is my dream, my passion, my love."

*Taken on my 20th birthday. I went outside to contemplate about my life and saw this beautiful creation of God and thought, "A happy birthday indeed, thank you Lord!"*

*Taken while I was jogging with my sister. This tree is called 'fire-tree' because when the flowers bloom, it looks like the tree is on fire.*

*This one was taken while I was walking with my best friend. It looks creepy but beautiful (I think) at the same time.*

Here are some photos of my friends taken after our Saturday class. 

Monette: Kame hameha wave! 

*Wiiiiiiiii the Muggles are having fun. :-P* 


*Watch me whip, watch me nae nae in the air!*