Saturday, July 11, 2015


    On June 26, 2015, same sex marriage had been legalized in the entire United States. You can see rainbow colors everywhere, flags, pictures on social media, and the #LoveWins to show support for the same sex couples and transgenders. People from the LGBT community celebrated and paraded to show that they are very happy about this decision, that at last, they will be treated equally when it comes to marriage. However, not everyone is in favor of this legalization. There are a lot of arguments about this on social media, and netizens have their own positive and negative opinions. Those who are in favor said that love knows no gender, that we are equal when it comes to love, regardless of the sexual orientation, and therefore it is also the right of the same sex couples to be married. Those who are opposed cite religious concerns about raising a family and rearing of children.

     The LGBT community demands that they should have an access to the benefits enjoyed by the heterosexual couples. According to them, same sex marriage is a civil right, and denying the gay couples the right to marry is discriminating and unconstitutional. Marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people. All people, which means gay couples are included. For them, marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couple should not have the right to marry. They insisted that they can also raise a child as normal couples do, and that homosexual couples can be more established than the heterosexual couples. 

     I am not in favor of the same sex marriage. I believe that marriage is only for two people of opposite sex, for a man and a woman. I believe in the holy matrimony, that marriage is a sacred thing, only for Adam and Eve. Clearly not for Adam and Steve, or Ada and Eve. Gay couples can be happy even without marriage. You might find this opinion very offending and discriminating, but these are my thoughts about this issue. 

If love wins, what has lost?

Source: Gay Marriage Pros and Cons