Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was a rebellious teenager and his parents committed him to an asylum three times. When Coelho was 38 years old, he had a spiritual awakening in Spain and wrote about it in his first book, The Pilgrimage. It was his second book, The Alchemist, which made him famous. He’s sold 35 million copies and now writes about one book every two years. (Source: Cliffs Notes)
Paulo Coelho is the best selling author of The Alchemist. His writing style is interesting because it focuses on the existential and spiritual aspect of life. His books are also about his personal struggle to search for himself. Though his books are fictional, it is still realistic and it reflects the way of life. It can make you wonder about your faith, your existence, your purpose in this world, your disposition, and your journey in life. You can also find thought-provoking questions, and questions about morality. His writings are not just for entertainment, but also to share his experiences that can help the readers get through life.
When I read his books, I feel inspired and excited. I look forward to his principles in life in which I can relate. I question myself whether I am living my life or I am just surviving the day, if this life is as what it is or is there more to this life that I haven't found out yet. As I read his books, I also journey with him, through the characters, and often find myself in the same situation as them. Words of encouragement, words of wisdom, and words to comfort you saying you are not alone in this journey and you are not the only one who feels that way, are the things that I like most about his books.
Here are my top picks from his works that I wanted to share to you. Enjoy!