I still remember the first time I attended a church service. It was a fine afternoon when a group of second year Education students came to me and my classmates in one of the benches at school. They introduced themselves and asked if we could join their cell group activity. We all agreed and we had a bit of sharing. Most of us cried because we had been keeping the pain in our hearts, and that was the only time that we were able to let it out. It was a joy that I got to share my problems to them. After the first meeting, we agreed to have at least one day of a week for Bible study. I was really happy and I always look forward for our meetings.
It was my personal decision to attend church. I cannot explain how happy I was that time. It was one of the best feelings I have ever felt in my entire life. It was the time that I was having problems. I was depressed, hurt, I was in pain. But every negative feeling was swept when I was in the church, singing and crying. I felt that I was healed. My heart was filled with joy, and peacefulness. I felt that I can face all my problems with a smile in my face because I know that God is with me, that He will never leave my side.
You can never know how God is going to work in your life. His timing is always perfect. Just when you think that all the hope was lost, He will manifest His love to you in ways you can never imagine. He will lead you to the right path, He will guide you, He will provide everything that you need in life. You just have to put your trust in Him. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9. These are my favorite verses which I can relate to.