Thursday, July 30, 2015


In my solitude, I think of us

In my dreams, I hope this will last

Sitting in the sand, watching gumusservi

In the silent night, I think of acatalepsy.

At first I thought this is surreal

To feel this way is just so unreal,

But you made me believe this could be possible

And the thought of losing you would be unbearable.

This euphoria that I feel

When we talk, it is real

Your voice is mellifluous when you say 'I love you'

I want you to know, I feel the same way too.

The limerence that I am feeling

One day will be growing and blooming,

I hope that what we feel is not ephemeral

But instead, I pray this would be sempiternal.

This selcouth feeling in my heart

I want to know it by pieces, by parts

This thing that we have, I'd take the fall

Because baby after all, you're my wonderwall.

Ik hou van je

Mahal kita