Thursday, July 30, 2015


In my solitude, I think of us

In my dreams, I hope this will last

Sitting in the sand, watching gumusservi

In the silent night, I think of acatalepsy.

At first I thought this is surreal

To feel this way is just so unreal,

But you made me believe this could be possible

And the thought of losing you would be unbearable.

This euphoria that I feel

When we talk, it is real

Your voice is mellifluous when you say 'I love you'

I want you to know, I feel the same way too.

The limerence that I am feeling

One day will be growing and blooming,

I hope that what we feel is not ephemeral

But instead, I pray this would be sempiternal.

This selcouth feeling in my heart

I want to know it by pieces, by parts

This thing that we have, I'd take the fall

Because baby after all, you're my wonderwall.

Ik hou van je

Mahal kita 

Sucker of Life

Heart beats harder.....

This is a story of how I coped with depression. Please play the song before you continue reading.

December 1, 2012. Saturday. I went to school only to find out that we don't have classes. It was already planned that I will go to my best friend's house after class. We planned to watch movies and eat and just enjoy the day. I was planning on telling her the problems I currently have, and ask for some pieces of advice.

It makes this harder...

While on the way to her house, I felt something strange. I cannot breathe. I was hyperventilating. I felt numb. I texted her about it and told her to pick me up at the waiting shed. But it took her a while and people were looking at me, asking if I'm all right because I was crying. She came, but I can't walk anymore. I felt numb all over. I was crying because I was afraid. A woman came to us and carried me to the clinic. But the doctor wasn't in. They called the ambulance. The clinic was full of Christmas decorations and they were playing Christmas songs. I was thinking, would this be the last time I will hear these Christmas songs? And see these decorations? And these strangers that were helping me? I was praying to God. I was crying. Is this how death feels like? I felt weaker every minute, and I was barely breathing. My best friend called my aunt. Minutes passed by and there was still no ambulance. Gladly, my aunt and uncle came and we went to the hospital. The doctor asked me questions, and checked my heart. The result was, my heart was beating irregularly. I was afraid; do I have a heart problem? Am I dying?

Tryin' to scream out my lungs, it makes this harder.. and the tears stream down my face...

We went home, and I can't keep these thoughts out of my head. That night, it happened again. I can't breathe, I was crying. There was this particular song that kept playing in my head. A sad song about grieving. A song about death. I was wondering if someone would sing it if I die. I was rushed into the hospital and was diagnosed with hypokalemia. It was due to depression and stress, physically and emotionally. I stayed at the hospital for four days. I kept praying and praying, and God heard me. I got through it, survived stress and depression. It wasn't easy, but I can say that I was strong enough to handle it. My family was there to support me on my downfall.

Depression is not a joke. Your thoughts can kill you. If you know someone who is going through it, please talk to them. Encourage them that there is more to this life, that what they are going through is not permanent. If you will only hold on to God, He will never leave you nor forsake you. One of the things that I have learned with this experience, it is to be calm and don't panic. Clear your mind, arrange your thoughts, focus on important things, appreciate the people beside you, read the Bible, and always pray. Don't let the pressure bother you. Take the problems one step at a time. Don't let the negativity suck your happiness.

Marikina Sports Complex

     If you are looking for a place to jog, swim, exercise, or just have some fun, Marikina Sports Complex is a good place to go. Life is stressful, so why not give a little time for yourself to relax and enjoy? 

     Marikina Sports Complex, also known as Marikina Sports Park (formerly known as Rodriguez Sports Center) located at the heart of Marikina was established in 1969. It is a prominent structure used for many activities such as sports fests, school programs/competitions, and other events like the annual New Year’s celebration and firework display where celebrities and local people gather together. In history, it is a former site of a train station in early 20th century prior to the construction of the complex. 

     MSC features an Olympic-size swimming pool, two grandstands seating a total of 15,000, a 100-meter track oval, a sports building, an indoor gymnasium, and several courts. The outdoor facilities consist or basketball courts, volleyball courts, and tennis courts. The indoor facilities have basketball gym, volleyball gym, and events center. The east grandstand contains the Olympic-size swimming pool, table-tennis courts, Zumba area, and dance-aerobics area. On the west grandstand, you will find the cityhood park, gallery area, food area, and the terminal station. Other gyms such as Sepak Takraw gym, boxing gym, Arnis gym, martial arts gym, gym center, shower area, and the Administration Office can be found in the sports building.

*View from the back of the MSC*

*Track Oval*

*Olympic-size swimming pool*

     The Marikina Sports Complex has been host to several sports competitions, both national and regional, including the 2014 ASEAN school Games. Other events held are grand concerts, finals night of some television shows, and the annual year-end public concert and fireworks display.

*6th ASEAN School Games 2014*

*Milo Little Olympics 2014*

*Annual Year-end Concert and Fireworks Display*

It's more fun in MARIKINA!

(c) Photos

Memoir: The First Letter

The mailman knocked

On my door and asked

If I could sign on the paper

And gave me the letter.

I was staring at the envelope

My heart is racing down the slope

My hands were shaking

Then I started reading. 

As I read the letter you sent

I can’t help but feel the excitement,

Tears fell down my cheeks

For the first time, my heart picks

The memory of the first letter

In my heart and soul, will be forever

You've found me, and loved me then

I will love you as long as I can. 

Church Service Activity

     I still remember the first time I attended a church service. It was a fine afternoon when a group of second year Education students came to me and my classmates in one of the benches at school. They introduced themselves and asked if we could join their cell group activity. We all agreed and we had a bit of sharing. Most of us cried because we had been keeping the pain in our hearts, and that was the only time that we were able to let it out. It was a joy that I got to share my problems to them. After the first meeting, we agreed to have at least one day of a week for Bible study. I was really happy and I always look forward for our meetings.

     It was my personal decision to attend church. I cannot explain how happy I was that time. It was one of the best feelings I have ever felt in my entire life. It was the time that I was having problems. I was depressed, hurt, I was in pain. But every negative feeling was swept when I was in the church, singing and crying. I felt that I was healed. My heart was filled with joy, and peacefulness. I felt that I can face all my problems with a smile in my face because I know that God is with me, that He will never leave my side. 

     You can never know how God is going to work in your life. His timing is always perfect. Just when you think that all the hope was lost, He will manifest His love to you in ways you can never imagine. He will lead you to the right path, He will guide you, He will provide everything that you need in life. You just have to put your trust in Him. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9. These are my favorite verses which I can relate to.

Dean Edgar Canda

     Professor Edgar Canda is the new dean of the College of Teachers Education. Dean Canda has been teaching for almost 15 years now. He finished his Bachelor Degree in Mathematics in Arellano University year 1991 and passed the board examination year 1993. He took up his Master’s Degree at National University, and currently taking his Doctorate Degree in the same school.

     When asked about how he manages his time being a father, a professor, and a dean, Sir Canda answered “I actually have a time table. Mondays-Fridays I am in school from 7am-6pm. Saturdays I am in graduate school, and on Sundays, I spend it for my family. When I have free time, I bond with my kids and I tutor and help them when they have assignments. When they have exams, I help them to review their lessons. And the night is for my wife. Ha Ha Ha just kidding.” One of the characteristics of Dean Canda that his students like is his sense of humor.

     Dean Canda has been teaching in PLMar for almost 3 years now. He shared some of his experiences in teaching. “As a professor, I am very satisfied with what I am doing. And as a dean, it has only been two months so I am still in adjustment period. I am really happy.” Dean Canda also shared his motto and his philosophy in life. “Life is a trial and error. Mistakes are inevitable, we commit mistakes but we also learn from these mistakes. My philosophy is, Give the world your best, and the best will come to you.” 

     Dean Canda had been my professor before and I can say that he teaches by the heart. I understood our every lesson because he explained it well and he didn't only teach by theories but also with application. He is really a good teacher because I learned and understood his lessons in Mathematics that I didn't even understand when I was still in high school. His teaching strategies are effective because as I have said, I learned and understood what he taught to us. As an Education professor, Dean Canda also told us what would be the case when we face the reality in practice teaching. He gave us some tips on how to be an effective teacher and how to deal with our future students. One thing that I liked about Sir Canda is his sense of humor. I never found our class boring because he always had some jokes to tell us when he knew we were tired and stressed from all the lessons. He was our energizer in our class. And for that, I am thankful that he became my professor. 

Congratulations and good luck on your new position, Sir! :) 

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." --- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Future Photographer

     Since I was a kid, I've always dreamed of being a photographer. But since it's quite expensive, I didn't pursue it. That didn't stop me on taking pictures of nature and people, even though my cell phone camera is low quality. I've always loved capturing moments, specially the happy ones. At school, I always take candid shots of my classmates and friends, and laugh at it afterwards if they look funny. I know in my heart that this is one of my passions, besides teaching and writing. Photography is like a heroine I can't resist. It is also an art of delivering message to people who can see the photos. Through this, I am able to express my feelings, and also share a bit if myself to my friends and other people. 

     I only have one wish for my graduation day, to have a DSLR camera used by photographers. People may think I am ambitious or assuming, but this is what is in my heart. I want to be a photographer. I know someday, I will be able to take so many pictures. Pictures that will tell stories, pictures that will inspire others, pictures of nature and animals that will help people to appreciate what we have around, pictures that will reveal reality, pictures that will keep memories, pictures that mean so much more than what is seen by the eyes. I am not dreaming of becoming a famous photographer, but just a photographer who can express herself, show love for nature, animals and people, and to deliver messages of what is happening in reality.

"Photography is my dream, my passion, my love."

*Taken on my 20th birthday. I went outside to contemplate about my life and saw this beautiful creation of God and thought, "A happy birthday indeed, thank you Lord!"*

*Taken while I was jogging with my sister. This tree is called 'fire-tree' because when the flowers bloom, it looks like the tree is on fire.*

*This one was taken while I was walking with my best friend. It looks creepy but beautiful (I think) at the same time.*

Here are some photos of my friends taken after our Saturday class. 

Monette: Kame hameha wave! 

*Wiiiiiiiii the Muggles are having fun. :-P* 


*Watch me whip, watch me nae nae in the air!* 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sonnet: A Love Not Worth Waiting

As rain falls down the window pane tonight
My heart is in despair and so much pain
I will be crying 'til the morning light
I hope, I pray our love won't be in vain.
The morning comes and I am still alone
I will be waiting til the winter's here
The desire of your heart, to me was shown
My love, to see you go - my deepest fear.
I will be waiting until you come back
I will be there outside of my front door
Where are you now darling? I'll check the clock
I'll still be waiting, curled up on the floor. 
I love you even when you said goodbye
There is nothing left, then I should just die.

Late Night Thoughts

*This is the song you always sing when I go to sleep..*

How do you know you're in love?


Maybe when he makes you smile

When he makes you happy

Maybe when he tells you that he has fallen completely in love with you

When he says he loves you and only you

When you wake up and he blows up your phone

When he sends you voice messages

When he calls you just to hear your voice

When he tells you not to skip meals because he doesn't want you to get sick

Or maybe when neither of you would say goodbye when the other has to leave

When he asks about how your day was 

Or what you did with your friends

When he asks you to tell him some story 

Or when he sings you to sleep even if he doesn't know the lyrics 

When you listen to him through the phone while he sleeps 

Or when he sometimes talks in his sleep 

Or the way he says 'good morning' with his sleepy voice 

And when he does all these things 

Your heart melts, beats faster, and you wish you can be with him in those moments..

If these are the signs of being in love 

Then YES, I am truly, madly, deeply, foolishly, completely falling in love....

Tips on How to Write Poems

Here are some steps that can help you in writing simple poems.

1. Decide on your topic. 
Choose whether the poem you want to make is about love, friendship, grieving, or about someone/something special to you.

2. Set your mood. 
When you write, make sure you are in a good mood so that the poem will come beautifully, and with a good tone and mood too. 

3. Find a place to write. 
Find a place where you are comfortable to write, whether in your room, a bench under the shade of a tree, or in the library. Anywhere, as long as you are comfortable. 

4. Choose a rhyme scheme. 
When writing, you can put a rhyme scheme (eg. aabb, abab,), but you can also make a free verse poem.

5. Play some music while writing a poem. 
It can help you write a good poem if you listen to your favorite songs. It can help you be in good mood while writing.

These are the things I do while writing a poem. I hope this tutorial can help you too! :-)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Paulo Coelho

     Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was a rebellious teenager and his parents committed him to an asylum three times. When Coelho was 38 years old, he had a spiritual awakening in Spain and wrote about it in his first book, The Pilgrimage. It was his second book, The Alchemist, which made him famous. He’s sold 35 million copies and now writes about one book every two years. (Source: Cliffs Notes)

     Paulo Coelho is the best selling author of The Alchemist. His writing style is interesting because it focuses on the existential and spiritual aspect of life. His books are also about his personal struggle to search for himself. Though his books are fictional, it is still realistic and it reflects the way of life. It can make you wonder about your faith, your existence, your purpose in this world, your disposition, and your journey in life. You can also find thought-provoking questions, and questions about morality. His writings are not just for entertainment, but also to share his experiences that can help the readers get through life. 

     When I read his books, I feel inspired and excited. I look forward to his principles in life in which I can relate. I question myself whether I am living my life or I am just surviving the day, if this life is as what it is or is there more to this life that I haven't found out yet. As I read his books, I also journey with him, through the characters, and often find myself in the same situation as them. Words of encouragement, words of wisdom, and words to comfort you saying you are not alone in this journey and you are not the only one who feels that way, are the things that I like most about his books. 

Here are my top picks from his works that I wanted to share to you. Enjoy!
  • The Alchemist 
  • Brida 
  • The Witch of Portobello 
  • The Valkyries 
  • The Devil and Miss Prym


    On June 26, 2015, same sex marriage had been legalized in the entire United States. You can see rainbow colors everywhere, flags, pictures on social media, and the #LoveWins to show support for the same sex couples and transgenders. People from the LGBT community celebrated and paraded to show that they are very happy about this decision, that at last, they will be treated equally when it comes to marriage. However, not everyone is in favor of this legalization. There are a lot of arguments about this on social media, and netizens have their own positive and negative opinions. Those who are in favor said that love knows no gender, that we are equal when it comes to love, regardless of the sexual orientation, and therefore it is also the right of the same sex couples to be married. Those who are opposed cite religious concerns about raising a family and rearing of children.

     The LGBT community demands that they should have an access to the benefits enjoyed by the heterosexual couples. According to them, same sex marriage is a civil right, and denying the gay couples the right to marry is discriminating and unconstitutional. Marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people. All people, which means gay couples are included. For them, marriage is not only for procreation, otherwise infertile couple should not have the right to marry. They insisted that they can also raise a child as normal couples do, and that homosexual couples can be more established than the heterosexual couples. 

     I am not in favor of the same sex marriage. I believe that marriage is only for two people of opposite sex, for a man and a woman. I believe in the holy matrimony, that marriage is a sacred thing, only for Adam and Eve. Clearly not for Adam and Steve, or Ada and Eve. Gay couples can be happy even without marriage. You might find this opinion very offending and discriminating, but these are my thoughts about this issue. 

If love wins, what has lost?

Source: Gay Marriage Pros and Cons

Thursday, July 9, 2015


I was running, catching my breath. On the dark, isolated street, I saw a shadow. I heard a voice telling me to follow.

"No! You should go back!"

"No! They are coming!"

I heard these voices in my head. My heart was racing, I can hear my blood flow through my veins. The shadow stepped backwards to where I was standing. It was reaching for my hand.

"No! Don't take it! It's one of them!"

But I had no choice. I need to move forward. I took its hand and ran with it. The voices were coming near. 


said the shadow, and we ran faster than ever. We were on the bridge, I can see the dark water. There's nowhere to run. The shadow pushed me to the water, and dove after. I screamed


"You are safe here",
 it said.

I was screaming, struggling, fighting. Something was pulling me deeper, I looked down. I saw myself, she smiled at me. In my head, I heard her say,

"You are safe now dear."

I smiled back and said thank you. I closed my eyes, calmed my self, and felt the water filling my chest. I was at peace.

"I am safe now, from the world outside."

Sunrise to Sundown

The forest seems to be a good place
To rest my mind and be embraced,
By the cool breeze and soothing wind
In my amazement I laugh and spin.

Tall and huge trees are everywhere
I can hear the splash of water somewhere,
The birds are singing a sweet lullaby
I look up in the sky and smile.

The ocean seems so inviting
To take a dip and go swimming,
Cold water in a hot summer day
Will make you utter a simple prayer.

In the evening, the moon is shining bright
It gives me light in the dark of the night,
To the distant heavens I see from a far
A big, twinkling and shining star.

From sunrise to sundown
All on earth should bow down,
God's creation is truly amazing
I can not help myself, I'm smiling.

I look up again to the sky and see
How beautiful this life could be,
White clouds with different shapes
Gratefulness in mouth escapes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

K-12 Curriculum: Philippines, Ready or Not?


     This issue has been running around since the implementation of K-12 Curriculum last 2013. A lot of parents did not agree on it because for them it is a burden since two years has been added to the curriculum. But the part that they do not understand is that there are a lot of advantages in this curriculum. 

     First is the national certificates after grade 12 which can be used in finding jobs if they do not want to continue in college. Second, they will be more equipped when they go to college because of the strands used in K-12. Students will be more competent and ready to join overseas universities.

"According to President Aquino, the K-12 program will pave the way for an even brighter future for young Filipinos by equipping them with basic education up to the international standards.", Gulfnews said. 
The goal of the K-12 curriculum is to give Filipino students enough time to master skills and knowledge so that they are ready for the tertiary level. Third, with this curriculum, there is a high possibility that the number of jobless people in our country will decrease after the succession of the first graduates of K-12. This will have a positive effect on our economic status.

     For the parents, 2 years is so much of a burden for them. Other issues are, the lack of classroom for the additional 2 years, grades 11 and 12, and the lack of teachers who will teach them. So the question is, are we ready for the changes that will overtake after the implementation of the new curriculum? Philippines, ready or not?

Read more for the better understanding of the K-12 Curriculum

2016 Presidential Election

     The 2016 Presidential Election is drawing near. People from all over the country are registering for the election. For the first timers, it is an exciting yet fearful event. We all know that election is not always a clean game. There are fights, the clash between the candidates and their supporters. It has always been like this since who knows when. All of them wanted to get hold of the position.


     One would wonder, why is election important? Why is there a need to vote? Whom shall I vote? What will be the consequences if I vote for this man? What will be the changes in the government if I vote for him? Will poverty end in his reign? Will China still bully the Philippines if he becomes the president? How will my vote change the future of my country? How can I be sure that he is the right person for the position? Is he a credible man? Will I regret it afterwards that I voted for this corrupt person? Can I just stay home and not vote because I am afraid I might make the wrong decision? Can I ignore the election because honestly, I just do not care? 

     As a first time voter, these are the questions that have been running around in my head since the day I registered for the election. I am confused, I do not know the business here. I am afraid that because of putting the wrong person in the position, the Philippines and the people will suffer. I still do not know the answers to these questions, but I am praying that God will give me wisdom to choose the one who deserves to be in the position, the right person to lead, the one who will serve the people. Whoever he is, I hope he is knowledgeable enough, and his eyes are wide open enough to see the situation and condition of his dearest country. 

Vote wisely!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Thank You, Teacher!

Thank you, for teaching us lessons
For all the hard works and efforts,
For the time you give for us to learn
And for the look in your eyes, always with concern.

Thank you, teacher, for we know you cared
For the inspiring stories that you have shared,
For the smiles and laughter that you bring
Truly, we are attached by strings.

Thank you, for being such a good parent
For all the advice that you have to present,
For all the kindness that you showed
You were there to help us mature and grow.

Thank you, for giving us motivation
In all we do, you are our inspiration,
For all the things that you have done
We simply thank you, although now you are gone.